Experts in will writing and probate advice in and around London
Speak to one of our team regarding writing a will and probate - you'll get advice and assistance for your specific needs.
020 7385 6276
Take the strain of how to make a will off your mind and let our experienced and capable team of wills and probate experts assist with will writing. Many people underestimate the importance of a carefully drafted will and if you don't have a will your property and other assets may not pass to those you wish to benefit. We can help you by preparing an effective and legally valid will.

Making a will and other key arrangements such as a Lasting Power of Attorney and Trusts are straightforward to do and give you certainty that your wishes are acted on.
Whatever your circumstances our approach is to listen and give you the right advice at a reasonable cost.

The loss of a loved one is never easy, and many people just need a bit of help with the associated legal, tax and administrative processes.
We can support you whether it's sorting out the administration and probate for the estate or working through with you what you need to do as an executor. We aim to make the process as stress-free as possible. Get in touch with Majainah Sadra Ltd today.
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We Are Here To Help
Majainah Sadra Ltd is based in London and serves clients throughout the UK and internationally, including the EU, Canada and the Middle East. Contact us today for more information about our probate and will writing services.
020 7385 6276